
Nova Logo_SVG

Your digital health innovation partner

Profit from our heritage

The outcome of true innovation is revolution. Understanding customer needs and market fit, is key to entrepreneurial and new product success. Our innovation approach is grounded in empathy for the end user. It relies on a collaborative co-creation process, through iterative development and testing. This brings order to the fuzzy end development. The key drivers of this process are:

Human-centred Design Thinking

The premise of this approach centres around cultivating deep empathy with the people you’re designing with and for. It unfolds through idea generation, prototype building, sharing collaborative outcomes and eventually launching the innovation to the world.

Iterative Co-creation

Developing and perfecting an iterative approach to innovation is premised on a deep understanding of users, their contexts and the iterative cycle, through prototypes. The outcome is a deployable working model, that’s user-friendly, cost-effective and relevant to the end user population.

Science-based Grounding

Scientific knowledge bases in the digital health space, are where our product development and innovation expertise is grounded. We specialise in combining distinct scientific knowledge bases. These specifically focus on: biomedical engineering pertaining to processing image and signal data, software development using state-of-the art AI / ML tools (including deployment in various modes) and anatomical and domain-specific clinical knowledge in the service of various customer goals such as innovation, product development, validation, testing, etc.

Ecosystem Intimacy

Building reliable and validated digital health tools is our forte, powered by:

  • A globally-distributed founding team across the US, Europe, India and Australia
  • A strong backend development centre in India, with unparalleled access to ecosystem partners
  • Intimacy with the Indian healthcare ecosystem, which enables the assembly of clinical research teams, conducting cost-effective clinical and validation research for innovation
  • An eye towards reducing product development cycle times and product development costs

Collaborative co-creation

The collaborative co-creation process involves customers, end users, decision-makers, beneficiaries and other ecosystem stakeholders, including potential network partners. These are crucial to product development, deployment, adoption, utilization and collective learning.

A combination of virtual and in-person community building processes and mechanisms, facilitate this process; which rests on our existing and ongoing relationship and community-building commitment to the healthcare ecosystem.

Bringing order to fuzziness

Having a fuzzy front end is a common challenge in the innovation process. Though least well-defined, it provides the innovation concepts, technologies and business plans for the product development and implementation process.

This phase enables the identification of and opportunities for innovation, their analysis and development plans. A successful front end determines the success or failure of the innovation itself.

Curating order from the fuzziness is achieved through market analysis, collaborative co-creation, evaluation and assessment of appropriate tools, technologies, ideas and solutions.

A heritage of success

Our sister company and first customer has won several coveted awards and recognitions, including: the GE Healthcare Edison Accelerator company, Falling Walls Top Science based ventures, Government of India commercialization grant, ET Business 2022 and NASSCOM Emerge 50 startups among others.